Friday 9 September 2011

Hello and Welcome

Hello, Bonjour, Hola and Heil to all readers of my blog. May I just take the opportunity now to thank you for spending your time reading this rather than spending it doing something useful with your lives. Over the course of the next year I intend to educate those about the inferior,  outdated and totally CORRUPTED American Political System. My first task is to define 17 terms referring to the American Constitution, as many so called American 'citizens' do not even know what some of these terms and events are, let alone even begin to comprehend what they could possibly be about. So please, do yourself a favour and navigate yourself away from this page now if you consider yourself even remotely American, because NO, I don't care about your ignorant, arrogant, not-thought-through points of view, because I just don't have the time to care.

Masha'Allah Brothers

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